Everything you need to know about corn (maize)

Everything you need to know About Corn (Maize):

Details About Corn (Maize):

Originally the plant has an indigenous Taíno name, Mahiz. The word maize comes from Spanish. The cereal grain corn, or maize (North American and Australian English), was domesticated by indigenous people around 10,000 years ago in southern Mexico. Leafy stalks of the plant produce inflorescences of pollen and inflorescences of ovuliferous flowers, which bear seeds or kernels, which are fruits.

Many parts of the world have adopted maize as a staple food, with maize production exceeding crops such as wheat and rice. Maize is not only used for human consumption, but also for ethanol, animal feed, and other products, including corn starch and corn syrup. Maize comes in six variations: dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn, and sweet corn. A sugar-rich corn variety known as sweet corn is usually grown for human consumption (while field corn varieties are used for livestock feed), corn oil, and fermented and distilled into alcoholic beverages like bourbon whiskey, as well as chemical feedstocks.

Additionally, maize is used in the production of ethanol and other biofuels. 86% of calories are available in sweet corn.The world cultivates more maize than any other grain, and a greater proportion of grain is produced each year than any other grain.Corn flour is extract from corn kernels.zeins type of protein available in corn or naize.corn flour or maize flour ,both are same.Corn flour or maize flour is good source of starch.

Difference Between Corn and Maize:

Although these can certainly be taken as two completely different phrases, they are similar to the one that belongs to American and British English. Nonetheless, they have so much more in common with each other. American English also uses the term maize often as opposed to British English, which uses the phrase corn frequently. Depending on the geographical area, the word "corn" can have different meanings. One might say that corn is a word that is used to describe small objects, which could possibly include grains or even peppercorns.

Grass bearing large ears of kernels on tall stalks is called maize. The United Kingdom produces corn while the American continent cultivated maize in numerous varieties. Maize is the principal cereal in Mexico, Central and South America, and has been since pre-Columbian times. Corn is an alternative title introduced later to distinguish the crop. The distinctive term for the crop is maize. Corn is the name for the maize that has been cooked and is ready to eat rather than maize that is raw on the branches of the cob. Corn is the term used to describe the maize that is raw or yet raw on the cob.

Maize is a common mantle in American, Canadian, and New Zealand countries, while corn is common in European countries.

Nutritional Value of Corn (Maize):

Nutritional Value of Corn (Maize)

Energy – 360kJ

Carbohydrates: Starch - 5.7gm; Sugars – 6.26gm, Dietary Fiber – 2gm

Fat – 1.35gm

Protein – 3.27gm

Vitamins: Thiamine – 0.155mg; Niacin – 1.77mg; Vitamin B6 – 0.093mg; Vitamin C – 6.8mg

Minerals: Iron – 0.52mg; Magnesium – 37mg; Phosphorus – 89mg; Potassium – 270mg

Water – 75.96gm

11 Health Benefits of Corn (Maize):

Following are the health benefits of corn(Maize)–

1. Corn (Maize) Helps to Keep Your Eyes Healthy: It is undeniable that a diet that is rich in nutrients, filled with the right kinds of substances, can help prevent many diseases. No one can deny the fact that food provides the ultimate medicine to keep the heart and other organs in good working order. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are two of the carotenoids in corn. Numerous studies suggest they are good for your eyes. There are a number of pigments found in the retina that prevent damage caused by free radicals. These pigments are commonly called macular pigments. Basically, they act as antioxidants.

2. Corn (Maize) Helps to Prevent Anemia: There is no doubt that Anemia is another disease spreading at an alarming rate. Women are particularly susceptible to this. It is possible for you to experience anaemia symptoms when your body suffers a significant deficiency in vitamins and minerals such as iron. Red blood cells are created by the body by using iron and folate. Iron is a very important nutrient for human health, and corn is rich in iron; 100 grams of corn contain an impressive 2.7 mg of iron.

3. Corn (Maize) Helps to Prevents Diverticular Diseases: There is a lot of suffering and discomfort associated with these diseases. There is an observation that more than 45000 men, when given popcorn, had lower chances of developing symptoms of this disease. Studies are still being done on this subject, however.

4. Corn (Maize) is a Good Source of Fiber: In addition to reducing cholesterol, fibre enhances the body's ability to digest food. Corn (maize) is benefical from eating. corn provides a healthy and impressive amount of fiber. Every 100 grams of corn provides 7 grams of fibre. In addition to preventing constipation and lowering cholesterol, fiber also facilitates digestion.

5. Corn (Maize) is a Good Source of Energy: Carbohydrates are plentiful in sweet corn. Energy is provided by carbohydrates, so we can function properly both physically and mentally. It takes time for corn to be digested fully because it is a complex carbohydrate. In addition to keeping, you fuller longer, this is beneficial for your health. A healthy post-workout snack can also be made from this.

6. Corn (Maize) Helps to Prevent Cancer: The consumption of antioxidant-rich foods is proven to be beneficial in the prevention of cancer. Several studies demonstrate that antioxidants make cells more resistant to free radicals and develop protective properties against oxidative damage. In cooked sweet corn, antioxidants are found to be higher than those in uncooked corn. Several studies have demonstrated that carotenoid antioxidants in corn protect the eyes and skin from oxidative damage. Popcorn has a lot of antioxidants, making it a good option for consuming them.

7. Corn (Maize) can Prevent Hypertension: Polyphenolic phytochemicals contained in the corn assist in regulating blood pressure and preventing hypertension. Additionally, there is a significant amount of vitamin B, which plays a crucial role in enhancing your adrenal glands' function.

8. Corn (Maize) Helps to Achieve Weight Loss: Losing weight is often a challenge because we have a tendency to believe that starving ourselves or not dealing with hunger and craving is the best way to lose weight. Nonetheless, eating nutrient-filled foods is essential for weight loss. The best snack to use in this situation is corn because it is easy to digest and has a high fibre content which keeps you full for longer. The best way to prepare popcorn is without salt and made with coconut oil.

9. Corn (Maize)Helps to Manage Diabetes: A study has demonstrated that it helps patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes. The organic kind is best as it is high in nutrients, free from pesticides and maintains most of its nutrients. People with diabetes can consume corn for energy without excessive blood sugar spikes.

10. Corn (Maize) can Help to Prevent Alzheimer: Studies have shown that it contains thymine, an antioxidant that nourishes the brain. Furthermore, it aids in acetylcholine synthesis, which, in turn, helps improve memory.  

11. Corn (Maize) is Gluten Free: Gluten intolerance can lead to various health problems, especially when the body suffers extreme reactions to the enzyme. In addition to being naturally gluten-free, corn and cornflour are better alternatives to other grains.

Uses of Corn (Maize):

  • There are many applications for corn in the culinary industry. A variety of ways can be used to prepare it for eating, such as steaming, grilling, boiling, baking, braising or preparing a stew or soup.
  • Corn is good for the skin, so some herbal cosmetics contain it. It is also possible to improve your skin's appearance by using homemade face masks and packs that are made with ground-up corn as the main ingredient.
  • There are many countries in the world where corn is a staple food. Corn syrup is a popular sweetener in many western countries made from corn.

Side Effects of Corn (Maize):

  • The fatty acids found in corn are extremely high, thus its consumption should be limited. Cooking food in corn oil is not recommended for people who are prone to heart problems since it can aggravate the problem.
  • Many nations consider corn syrup to be a leading cause of obesity and consider it to be worse than sugar. Furthermore, it may negatively impact your blood sugar levels and put you at risk for type 2 diabetes. It is ideal to avoid corn syrup as much as possible.
  • Consult your doctor before adding corn to your meals if you have sensitive skin or allergies. To start off, it is always better to speak with a physician before making any changes to your lifestyle or diet.

*Disclaimer – This blog provides the information only; it doesn’t claim that the Corn (Maize) can cure any diseases or can be the replacement of any medicine. For the illness kindly consult a doctor and use it as per the prescription. 

Health Benefits of Corn   Uses and Side Effects of corn   Difference between Corn and Maize   Nutritional value of Corn or Maize   Uses of Corn or Maize   side effects of Corn  



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