12 Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla)

12 Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla)


In India and other Tropical regions, Chiku is a very popular fruit. Since this fruit is grown on a tree named Sapota that’s why Chiku is also known as Sapota. Chiku is a very delicious fruit that has several health benefits. Chiku is brown in colour inside out and is so juicy. Chiku can be eaten in raw form or after peeling off and are easily digestible. Chiku can be used as an instant source of energy since they contain fructose and sucrose. Chiku is often called natural energy-boosting fruits. Chiku is a rich source of nutrients like Vitamin A, C, & E, Iron, Copper and antioxidants. So one can easily get many health benefits by eating or adding Chikus into their diets.

Full-grown fruit is edible, it is hard when it is unripe and becomes soft as it ripens up. Chiku (Sapodilla) survives only in hot or warm climates. Flowering the whole year but it yields fruits twice a year only.

Chiku (Sapodilla) contains a good amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and other Vitamin like riboflavin, thiamin etc. It also contains a good amount of iron, copper and calcium along with magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Chiku (Sapodilla) contains so many nutrients which should be included in our diet for weight loss as well as for prevention of the various disease. Chiku (Sapodilla) contains a high amount of vitamin, minerals and antioxidant which can really help from constipation to heart disease. If we eat unripe Chiku (Sapodilla) or overeat then it may cause harm to the body so, always consume a fully ripe Chiku (Sapodilla) only. Chiku (Sapodilla) are prone to spoil easily so it's better to eat them as soon as possible after purchasing from the market or plucking from the tree. To avoid this problem Chiku can be refrigerated for few days.

There are some health benefits we can get from Chiku by adding these into our daily diet-

  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Reduce Constipation: - Chiku are rich in dietary fibres, which results in regular bowel movement. Consumption of Chiku makes the Colon resistant to infections.


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Beneficial in Pregnancy: - Chikus are rich in carbohydrates and nutrients. It helps a pregnant woman to reduce weakness, nausea and dizziness, in this way Chikus are very beneficial for pregnant or lactating woman. 


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Instant Energy Source: - Chiku are rich in glucose, so they can be used as an instant energy source. A single CHiku can fulfil the sugar requirement of the body. 


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Useful For Mental Health: - Chiku can easily calm the nerves and helps you to free yourself from stress. That’s why nutritionists/doctors give the advice to add Chicku to the diet if someone is having insomnia, anxiety or depression. 


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Good For Bone Health: - If someone is suffering from a deficiency of calcium or some kind of bone disease then it advisable to add Chiku to the diet cause Chiku are rich in Calcium which helps to strengthens the Bones. If women are having Osteoporosis then they should have more Chiku. 


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - For Better Eye Health: - Chiku are rich in VItamin A and research shows that Vitamin A is very essential for better eye vision, so it is advisable to consume more Chiku even in old age.


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Prevention From Cancer: Since Chiku are rich in Vitamin A and B, which helps the mucus lining of the body well lubricated. This Mucus membrane helps the body to fight many cancer infections. 


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) For Skin: - Chiku are rich in Vitamin E, A & C, and antioxidants which is essential for the good health of the skin. 
  1. Vitamin E helps to provide healthy and beautiful skin.
  2. Antioxidants present in the Chiku helps the anti-ageing process and reduce wrinkles.
  3. Vitamin A and C helps the skin to glow effortlessly.


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Works as Anti-Inflammatory Agent: - Chiku are also rich in tannins, a chemical that works as an anti-inflammatory agent. It ultimately helps the digestive system from any kind of Inflammotry problems. 


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Helps to Remove Dandruff: - If someone is having too many dandruff issues then it is advisable to mix crushed Chiku Seed with Castor Oil and massage the hair and keep it overnight. Wash the hair the next day in this way one can remove dandruff easily. 
  1. Oil extracted from the Chiku seeds also used for nourishment and for smoothening of the hair. 


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Helpful in Diarrhea: - If someone is having diarrhoea or loose motion then they can take a Chikoo and boil it properly and then have it, which can cure diarrhoea. Chiku is also helpful in piles and dysentery.


  • Chiku (Sapodilla) - Helpful in Kidney Stones: - Chiku provides protection against Kidney related diseases. If a person consumes crushed Chiku seeds then it helps to remove kidney or bladder stones cause this will as a diuretic. 


  •   Different Ways to Have Chiku (Sapodilla): -
  1. One can have Chiku in the raw form directly or can use it after peeling. 
  2. Different types of Shakes can be prepared- Strawberry Chiku Shake, Chiku and Nut Milkshake, Chiku Milkshake
  3. Can be added to fruit salad.

12 Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla)   Chiku   Chikoo   Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla)  Chiku (Sapodilla)   Different Ways to Have Chiku (Sapodilla)  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Helpful in Kidney Stones  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Helpful in Diarrhea  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Helps to Remove Dandruff  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Works as Anti-Inflammatory Agent  Chiku (Sapodilla) For Skin  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Prevention From Cancer  Chiku (Sapodilla) - For Better Eye Health  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Good For Bone Health  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Useful For Mental Health  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Instant Energy Source  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Beneficial in Pregnancy  Chiku (Sapodilla) - Reduce Constipation  



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